Services Offered

Oxygen Bar Recreational Therapy

Experience oxygen bar therapy in our lounge. You will choose your aromatherapy blend (or none at all) and relax.

Reported health benefits:

  • Feel rejuvenated improvement.
  • Improved sleep (balances circadian rhythm and increases melatonin)
  • Improve mood
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improved concentration
  • Improve sports performance
  • Reduce stress
  • Provide relief from headaches/migraines
  • Relief hangover symptoms

Oxygen Facial

An oxygen facial involves applying a stream of oxygen to your face using a wand or mask. 

These facials are thought to boost collagen production in your face, which is very helpful for improving your skin’s long-term health.

Eyelash Extensions

No matter what your skin looks like or what color it is, eyelash extensions are an option for you.  They come in a variety of colors and will be able to match her natural color.  After getting these, all you need is a quick coat of mascara, and you’re ready to go.


Microneedling encourages collagen renewal and makes your skin feel soft and look great.  Microneedling is a type of spa treatment that targets the face to improve your skin texture, diminish signs of aging, and help with any discoloration.  By sending tiny needles beneath the surface of the skin, the microneedling procedure stimulates collagen growth and renewal.  Collagen is what keeps your skin plump and youthful

Microneedling may address many skin related complaints, including:

  • Wrinkles
  • Scarring
  • Acne
  • Alopecia
  • Skin pigmentation issues
  • Stretch marks
  • Rosacea
  • Loose skin, such as after weight loss or liposuction
  • It may also help rejuvenate the skin

Celluma LED Therapy

Celluma LED Therapy is an anti-aging, rejuvenating and healing treatment that harnesses the positive effects of both red and blue light to replenish and repair skin cells. It is clinically proven to provide one of the fastest, safest ways to reverse the visible signs of aging, clear acne and blemishes; and even heal sensitive skin conditions such as Rosacea, Eczema and Psoriasis. The treatment is completely pain-free, is suitable for all skin types and does not require any downtime.
     The visible effects of Celluma LED therapy are immediate; a tired, dull complexion is instantly awakened, and after just one treatment the skin is incredibly hydrated, plump and radiant. A course of treatments offers dramatic and lasting improvement in the appearance and health of the skin.


  • Ears
  • Nose
  • Lips
  • Eyebrows
  • Nipple
  • Navel

Pain free option available.

Exotic Piercing

  • Christina
  • Dydoe
  • Frenum
  • Jacob’s Ladder
  • Labial
  • Prince Albert
  • VCH – Vertical Clitoral Hood
  • HCH – Horizontal Clitoral Hood

Vampire Procedures

Vampire Facelift®

The Vampire Facelift® is a quick, low-risk, non-surgical alternative to revive youth and restore beauty. Combining instantaneous lift from Hyaluronic Acid Fillers with powerful rejuvenating growth factors from your own blood, the Vampire Facelift® can sculpt a more youthful appearing face, while still keeping your natural shape.

What Does the Vampire Facelift® Treat?

  • Restores your natural, youthful beauty by tightening the skin and underlying structures and enhancing the natural facial shape, effectively turning back the clock to a more youthful looking you.
  • Restores lost volume and prominence of the cheekbones, which in turn lifts and softens the nasolabial folds, while slightly plumping the cheeks.
  • Lifts and enhances the brow.
  • Restores lost shape of volume of the lips and mouth.
  • Encourages growth and regeneration of blood vessels, nerves, fat and connective tissue resulting in new tissue growth and delaying the effects of the natural aging process.
  • Can be combined with the Vampire Facial® (Microneedling with PRP) and Botox for a fully rejuvenated result and beautiful result.

Vampire Breast Lift®

The Vampire Breast Lift® is a minimally invasive treatment to lift breasts using your own growth factors to activate multipotent stem cells.

What Does The Vampire Breast Lift® Treat?

  • Skin Tone Graying
  • Collapsed and Droopy Breast Shape
  • Loss of Sensation
  • Inverted Nipples
  • Cleavage Area Thinning

Vampire Facial®

The Vampire Facial® is a minimally invasive treatment to revitalize your skin, restore your complexion and turn the clock back on the skin’s aging process. The Vampire Facial® combines your body’s healing factors derived from your own blood to create – Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – with the Micro-needling procedure for skin tightening and rejuvenation.

What Does the Vampire Facial® Treat?

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Uneven Skin Tone and Texture
  • Acne Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Dark Circles Under the Eye

O-Shot® [Orgasm Shot®]

What Is An O-Shot®?

The O-Shot®, also known as the Orgasm Shot, is an in-office procedure that aids in the ability for increased Sexual Pleasure, reduction of Urinary Incontinence and improved Vaginal Lubrication. With PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) the O-Shot® uses your body’s own healing agents to rejuvenate your most intimate and personal body parts. If you are a woman who suffers from diminished sensitivity, inability to achieve an orgasm or urinary incontinence the O-Shot® may be the solution you have been looking for.

Possible Benefits Of The O-Shot®

  • More intense or more frequent Orgasms if already able to achieve orgasm
  • Increased Vaginal Lubrication, especially in women who cannot or do not take hormone replacement therapy
  • Decreased or resolved pain with intercourse (known as Dyspareunia)
  • Increased ability to have Vaginal Orgasms
  • Greater arousal from Clitoral Stimulation
  • Decreased or completely resolved Urinary Incontinence
  • A tighter or more elastic vaginal canal, if felt too loose or tight prior to the procedure
  • Younger, smoother skin of the external vaginal lips
  • Decreased or resolved symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis
  • Improvement and often resolution of chronic vulvovaginal conditions such as Lichen Sclerosis, Lichen Planus, and Atrophic Vaginitis from Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
  • Improvement in Intimacy and Relationships

Vampire Wing Lift®

Vampire Wing Lift™ uses blood derived growth factors (vampire) and a hyaluronic filler (like Juvederm®) to rejuvenate the labia (wings) and “lift” them back to the natural shape of that individual woman’s younger self.

Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®)

The Priapus Shot®, also known as the P-Shot®, was created to treat men with Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, modest penis enlargement and overall improvement in Sexual Function.

Possible Benefits Of The P-Shot®

  • Stronger, Firmer Erections
  • Easier to Achieve and Maintain Erections (i.e. Improved Sexual Stamina)
  • Increased Penile Length and Girth
  • Improvement in or Resolution of Painful, Dysfunctional Penile Curvature from Peyronie’s Disease
  • Resolution of Penile Pain with Erection
  • Increased Sensitivity in the Penis
  • Better Overall Blood Flow to the Penis
  • Improvement in Intimacy and Relationships
  • Decreased need for or reduced dosages of ED medications, saving you both money and the risks of taking medications.

Vampire Hair Treatment

Many men and women experience hair loss as they age, and we are seeing more hair loss in women in their 20’s and 30’s than ever. Thinning hair can be devastating for women and men of any age. Hair loss can cause depression and emotional issues, lead to low self-esteem, and inhibit quality of life. Hair loss experienced with pregnancy, stress, and certain medications, is usually only temporary. It is normal to lose around 100 hairs a day, and this typically dose not result in thinning hair. When hair loss is not temporary, patients should have a thorough evaluation with a doctor.

Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that affects men of all ages.  While there are many treatments available, some men are looking for alternatives to Viagra® and other traditional therapies.  Shockwave Therapy is a treatment that uses sound waves to improve blood flow to the penis.  The treatment is non-invasive and involves applying a special gel to the penis and then using a device to deliver low-intensity sound waves to the area. It has been shown to be safe and effective in clinical trials and is currently available at our practice.

There are several potential benefits to Shockwave Therapy, including:

  • Improved blood flow to the penis
  • Increased erectile hardness
  • Increased erectile function
  • Reduced penis curvature
  • Enhanced sexual performance


Pressotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that involves the application of air pressure to different parts of the body. Similar to a massage, it can stimulate the lymphatic system, which will help clear away toxins. Not only that, but it can also help slim and redefine the arms, legs, and stomach. In fact, evidence suggests that it can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Other possible benefits of Pressotherapy:

  • Stronger immune system due to proper lymph drainage
  • Reduction of swelling in the limbs
  • Reduction of muscle pain and tension
  • Better blood circulation

IV Therapy

Benefits of IV Infusion therapy:

  • Vitamins and minerals given via IV treatments are 100% absorbed, while oral supplements are absorbed at approximately 60%, if you are at optimal health.
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Reduction of inflammation throughout the body
  • Can help treat illnesses like anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Increased energy and improved mood
  • Helps the body to repair itself/can help to heal wounds faster.
  • Permits immune function/prevent acute illnesses
  • Prevent cell damage and promotes antioxidant repair
  • Help to protect and he’ll damaged tissues
  • Healthier hair, skin, and nails

These are just somewhat the possible benefits that IV vitamin infusions have to offer.

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